The Dales :)

The Dales :)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

March in the Dale Home

So, I know you're all dying to know what's been going on with the Dales! March has been busy, but what month isn't busy for us???? Our month began with a freak March snow storm here in Atlanta. The kids loved it! They even got a day off of school. Other points of interest this month- Kailie is learning to sew, and it very good at it. Which is good, b/c I am NOT good at it! She's already talking about how much she's going to charge for her clothing label! LOL! Our little entrepreneur! Later in the month at her second class, she made sleep pants which she is modeling in the picture here. The older three girls are girl scouts, so this was our busy season with cookie sales and getting ready for camp. I'm a little girl scouted out! I was very impressed with all three of their troops though. All of them collected donations to send cookies to the soldiers serving in Iraq/ Afghanistan. Hannah's troop collected just shy of 100 boxes, and Kailie's troop collected a little over 60. Even little Caroline's troop did it, but since they can't have booth sales at her age, their numbers were a bit smaller, but they did contribute! I think between the 3 troops we are sending somewhere in the neighbor hood of 175 boxes of cookies! The girl's grades were all really good this time. Kailie made straight A's, Hannah was very, very close. She got one B, and it was ONE point from an A, but that was in her accelerated math class. Caroline does not get real grades yet, but she got three exceeds expectations and three satisfies expectations, so she's following right along behind her sisters in being a smart girl. Of course there was a note on Caroline's report card about her controlling her talking...but how can I get upset about that? I don't know where my kids get their talkative nature from! About mid month, Bill took Hannah, Kailie, and Caroline to the Girl Scout Father Daughter Dance. They had a BLAST! But Bill could barely move when they got home. They won the Twist contest. It was one of those deals where they chose a few out of the crowd based on their skills, then make them all do it again in front of everyone, so he had to twist full out for two times though the song! Sadly NO ONE got pictures of this!!!! So now as we wrap up the month, Bill is on a leadership training campout for the boyscouts. I'm trying not to laugh too hard that they are out there camping in a monsoon! He says it's cold and wet. He'll be back tonight though, so he can finally warm up after 2 full days of sloshing around in the mud and muck. Let's see, what else...I haven't talked about Stevie, what can I say, she's been on a destructive rampage to see how much of our house she can destroy. She is a PILL! She thinks that the world is hers and we are all just visiting. We have really spoiled her...but that's ok, b/c she's my baby. She gets away with things that the others NEVER got away with. I know I should nip this in the bud, but she has this way of looking at us that makes us melt...That's all for now...We are going to start out next month by ripping out all of the floors downstairs and replacing them with a beautiful dark wood. I'll post some pics once it's done.

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